29 September 2009


Here's the first time he really used his rattle...

28 September 2009

Do you see what I'm dealing with here??

I had a request for a new Sebastian video, and I broke my promise to provide one yesterday (sorry, Mom). But it wasn't for lack of trying! I've taken video after video of a boy who just stares intently at the camera, while his Mama tries every trick she can think of to get even a teensy smile...to no avail.

So here's my last attempt, taken this morning. As you watch it, imagine that this is "Take 13"... He just can't take his eyes off the camera long enough to be amused...

26 September 2009

Last time wearing his first little outfit

Yup, he's totally outgrown it! But seeing as it looks so darn cute on him, we gave it one last go. (And today being laundry day meant there weren't many other options left!)

We got this blue "leisure suit" in early March, a going away gift from Flor, secretary extraordinaire of the Centro de Idiomas at my old job.

He tried SO hard to keep his "Johnny No-Smiles" face going, but I was too persistent and managed to get a few vaguely amused looks...

24 September 2009

Born free...

Yes, feel free to have that song running through your head as you admire Mr. Sebastian in his "Free Range" attire. :) He'd be wearing the cute matching hat, too, but his head is too darn big.

Here are some pictures that I'm assuming Emma took last weekend (found them in my camera today). All of them feature Sebastian in his stroller. What I really like about these pictures is that they each show a totally different side of my little guy - I particularly like the following shot of him being grumpy, accentuates his jowls. :)

The after-math

I know I should be over it by now (and mostly I am), but I had taken this picture a few hours after "the incident," and must post it.

Here's a shot of the scene of the crime, post-shots:

Yes, that's a red crayon band-aid on one side, and a slightly-less-visible yellow one on the other thigh. It wasn't until this morning that I discovered the true magic of these band-aids, when I hesitantly began to remove them... They came off smooth as butter, definitely designed for babies!

22 September 2009

The bad part of being 2 months old?

Yup, the shots. My brave little boy got 3 vaccinations today! With my needle-phobia, the actual deed definitely hurt me more than him. I couldn't watch, and opted to sit in a chair a few feet away, ready to breastfeed the second the nurse brought him to me. He yelled and cried for a few heart-wrenching minutes, but soon calmed down to just small whimpers. It was so hard for me, I felt, and feel, emotionally exhausted.

I followed a few people's advice and gave him some Tylenol 30 minutes before his appointment, and I'm sure that helped. I've been holding him since we got home, carefully avoiding his thighs. He's mostly been sleeping, but a little while ago he woke up crying, part-angry, part-pained. It had been 5 hrs since the last dose, clearly the Tylenol had worn off. So I gave him more and sang him to sleep.

Poor guy... The worst part is that he doesn't understand, he hurts and can't get why. And you know he's a very active boy, he loves moving and kicking, but it just makes him hurt more. :(

Hopefully in the morning he'll feel much better.

The fun news from his appointment: he now weighs 12 pounds, 15 ounces, and he's 24 inches long. 2 feet tall!

We'll be heading to bed nice and early. I'm trying to pay attention for any adverse reactions, hopefully I'll still be able to get some much-needed sleep...

17 September 2009

Johnny No-Smiles

He would NOT smile for anything!! Before and after, he was all smiles and coos, charming as could be... The second I pulled out the camera, he dropped the smiles and just stared. This was the third take, believe it or not it's the best one!

(If you look closely, towards the end you'll notice a glimmer in his eye, proof that he's doing it on purpose to thwart his Mama!)

13 September 2009

8 weeks ago...

Eight weeks ago (exactly, as I look at the clock!), my beautiful boy joined me "on the outside."
I didn't take a picture to commemorate today, I'll save that for his official 2-month extravaganza in 6 days...

But as I sit here, typing one-handed while my baby sleep/eats, it seems amazing to me that 8 weeks have passed. At times I feel totally in awe that this amazing guy is my son, and I am overwhelmed with joy. At times I feel like I've always been his mom, and at those moments I know more than ever this is the right thing for me.

And even though I have been tired every single day since even before he graced us with his presence, I wouldn't trade a single one of those days.

I'm a lucky, lucky person.

09 September 2009

My little peanut

This was taken last week, a friend just posted it on Facebook and I swiped it...

06 September 2009

7 weeks old

I think he is finally losing his fear of the camera, slowly but surely...

Also, big news! He rolled over (this time without the help of his Grams!) from his back to his left side, pinning his left arm underneath himself (making him VERY angry!!)... He's done it two times in the past 30 minutes. Who knows what he'll be doing tomorrow!