26 May 2008

My job

I'm going to Mexico with a job already lined up, which I feel really lucky to have. I'll be teaching English at the Universidad de la Sierra Sur (UNSIS), in Miahuatlán, Oaxaca. It's a full-time job, with a good salary and benefits (paid holidays and vacation, health insurance, savings plan). It involves approximately 16 hours a week of actual teaching time, with the rest for class prep, professional development, special projects, etc.

I'm really excited about this job for many reasons. For a number of years I've had multiple jobs (and varied responsibilities within each different job!), so I'm looking forward to having a single job. Teaching (ESOL and Spanish) has been the most rewarding job I've had over the years, and I'm happy that I'll finally be able to do that on a full-time basis, and take a real break from accounting.

I was also relieved to learn that the majority of the students are able to study at the University due to government-issued scholarships, and don't come from a strong academic background. Even though this means a slightly more challenging job for me as a teacher, I know it will be rewarding to work with students that are taking advantage of a chance to broaden their perspectives and possibilities through higher education. Mexico has such a huge gulf between the educated upper classes and the struggling rest of the population, it's a relief to know that I won't be teaching privileged kids. After these years working with amazing immigrants from Central and South America, it feels like a natural continuation to be working from "the other side," investing in education at the source.

UNSIS is a small University, with less than 350 students. It's part of a state-wide network of universities in Oaxaca, and offers degrees in Nursing, Municipal Administration, Public Administration, Information Systems and Business Science.

Here's a link to the University's website:


The website is mostly in Spanish, but it has some pictures of the campus, and at least one informational link in English.


Stuart said...

Sounds like a great opportunity. I'll look forward to following the journey. I never made it down to Oaxaca, but I hear it is entirely amazing.

Anonymous said...

hola ERICA que te parece la gente de miahuatlan?

Anonymous said...

extranas la nieve??que futuro les espera a la juventud de miahuatlan?
crees aportar alguna nueva forma de pensar a esta juventud??

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