12 July 2008

First Day in Oaxaca

I have been to Oaxaca before, back in 2001. However, I was really sick when I arrived in the city of Oaxaca, so I have very little memory of it (besides stomach illness and delirious fever!)

I spent most of the day walking around. I walked to the church of Santo Domingo de Guzman, which has a pretty impressive museum attached. It has rooms that detail the history of Oaxaca, beginning with pre-history and working thru the present time. The highlight for me was an amazing display of artefacts from Monte Albán, the Zapotec indian site that I plan to visit soon.

There were also beautiful vistas of the city from various windows and balconies on the 2nd floor of the museum. A botanical garden directly outside of the building, then colonial buildings and bustling streets, with lush green hills serving as the backdrop on all sides. I wish that photos could accompany this description, but I had forgotten to bring my camera : (

Then I walked to the zocalo (central plaza), alive with a mix of tourists and locals. You could feel in the air that it was Friday afternoon... As I turned a corner to follow the perimeter of the square, I felt a sudden wave of remembrance in every pore of my body - I stopped and let it wash over me, reliving moments in that exact spot over 6 years ago...

Then I sat down at an outside cafe, drinking strong Oaxacan coffee and listening to musical performers alternating on my side of the zocalo (marimba, guitar, Andean flute), saying "no, gracias" every 15 seconds to women and children selling every handicraft imaginable, and wrote down these musings on a blank page torn from my Oaxaca guidebook...

So I learned 2 important lessons:
  • Bring a journal at all times!
  • Bring my camera!!


Clary's community said...

Do tell more!! I imagine you are trying to get your tech up and running, hope that all works out for you. how is the apartment set up? school? town? we are well, swimming a lot and not sleeping a lot. what else???? get us a phone # when you have one!
Love, us

Unknown said...

Hi Erica! We are glad to hear you made it safe and sound. We are thinking about you and hope you like your new apartment. You are about to start a year long adventure, once you get settled you can really start to enjoy it. Olivia sounds nice and it was great that at that point you met someone nice.

We will continue to read your blog and write in it.

Take Care Love you
Auntie Rob, Mario, KAli, John & Abby

Anonymous said...

Hey Erica! I hope you have a ton of fun on your trip!!!!!it seems like a ton of fun from all the blog entries that i read so far....i miss you sooooo much!


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