29 July 2008

From Guatemala: Quick update

I have been on the move for the past week, and keep hoping to have a long amount of time (along with the necessary internet connection and cords) to be able to upload fotos and all sorts of tales of adventure... But so far I haven´t had all the right ingredients, so rather than continue to procrastinate a massive and chronologically accurate update, I will just take the few minutes I have now to get a current update out there...

Right now I am in Guatemala City, my first time in Guatemala. The best part about this short trip (5 days total) is that I am with one of my closest college friends (Josie) and her parents here. The first 2 weeks of my journey were rough for me, because of all the adjustments (food, customs, language), homesickness and recovering from the horribly cliche "turista" stomach illness... So it is so wonderful right now to be with an old friend, and her parents that are like family to me.

I got here on Sunday, after 2 days in Mexico City, and I´ll be heading back to Mexico on Friday. It´s a short but sweet trip. So far we haven´t been doing very traditionally "touristy" things, we although we did lay out by the pool today for a couple of hours. : ) Josie`s dad presented at a "Feria del Libro" yesterday, and so we were listening to authors speak and looking at amazing quantities of books all day...We`ll be visiting Antigua and the historic center of Guatemala City in the next couple of days, so I´m sure I´ll have some good fotos to add (eventually)...

I miss you all, thanks for your patience as I struggle with my connectivity challenges.

To be continued when I´m back in Mexico...


Anonymous said...

Hey Erica, I am so very happy that you are finally feeling better....good food and good friends will do that for you. Your voice was wonderful to hear,love you, mom

Unknown said...

Hi Erica,
Glad to hear you are feeling better and now having some happier times. Emma slept over last night and today her I and Abby are going to see the puppet guy at the library. Abby is all potty trained now and can also swim all the time by herself with absolutely no floaties or anything. Kali is at camp all week, today they had a field trip to look park. All is well with us.
We are thinking about ya.
Have fun. We hope all goes well once the teachers come back to school. Hopefully you will make a lot of friendships.
Love Auntie Rob

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