21 July 2008

More Oaxaca fotos


Sheela said...

It looks beautiful and tranquil...of course the police in the truck give it a somewhat different feel, but... good to hear from you. I was getting motherly concerned, and was gonna call your mother to see if she had heard from you. I had a dream last night that I was in your very spacious (in dream) living room looking down on a piazza. Miss you!

info@do-or-die-decade.com said...

a few more people than GB and a lot more grasshoppers for sale
regards from the coffee shop

Erica said...

The funny part about the picture with the police is that I took this foto about 2 minutes after 2 of them were grinning and waving at me like goofy schoolboys... I took the foto when none of them were looking, since traffic was moving slowly and I didn´t want to interact with them again...