20 July 2008

Oaxacan days...

It has been difficult to stay in contact this past week, I've had internet access but not 100% reliable, and usually I wasn't able to plug anything into the computers I was using, so I couldn't load fotos or anything...

To continue my first weekend in Oaxaca... I befriended a motley crew of fellow hostel-stayers, including a woman from Ireland and a guy from Amsterdam, and we set out to explore together.  We went to the town of Tlacolula, to experience the massive market held there every Sunday.  The pictures don't show how overwhelmingly huge the market was, there were 3 streets that were totally closed down to hold all the vendors, that come from all over to sell their goods.  

The market sells ALL sorts of things, from hardware items to basic cooking staples to clothes.  Although some tourists make it to the market, that's not the focus.  

We passed a few vendors selling what we thought were special spices, but they were actually massive piles of chapulines (grasshoppers) in different sizes (see the top-right picture).  And no, we did NOT eat any.  I did my touristic duty back in 2001, when I ate a single chapulin (I think that's how the singular is written!!), and I don't plan on going there again.

I didn't buy anything (since I was on my way to my new home in Miahuatlan, and I couldn't fit a single additional item in my bags!!), but I was tempted, as always, by the hammocks.

Every town has their special "market day" when vendors come down from the surrounding mountains to sell their wares.  Miahuatlan's is on Mondays.  And you can be sure that when I come home for Christmas, gifts are likely to be the local handicrafts...  (although I will attempt to take into account my sisters' carefully lists of "do's" and "don'ts", based on their experiences with gifts from prior travels!)  : )


yourmomma said...

Hey Erica, the instant I saw the pictures of the hammocks I knew you would have smiled, stood there and just imagined. Love you,Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Erica,
I hope you are all settled in your new apartment.Sounds like you had a good time on Sunday going to the market place.
Good Luck and have a good day!!
Grandma and Grandpa

Unknown said...

Hi Erica,

I love looking at your pics. The first one at the market I thoughht was shrimp, but when I read on I was grossly mistaken. The buildings are beautiful. I am glad to hear that you are meeting nice people. Thinking of you.
Love Auntie Rob

Anonymous said...

Bring on the grasshoppers! I'm so glad you have this blog page. I love hearing about your adventures. I live vicariously through those that travel. One day when I grow up and the kids are old enough to hike and bike, I will be having some adventures of my own!

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