31 August 2009

Pic from Lily and Dave's wedding...

Yes, they had an actual photo booth on site! The wedding was beautiful, and it was Sebastian's first big outing and social event (back on August 8th). My friend Nichole (featured in these pictures with us) was a HUGE help.

Passport picture: good until he's five!!

25 August 2009


Videos: August 25th - pre-shampoo

Sorry the one on the 2nd one is sideways, don't know how to rotate videos, just pictures...

He's not doing anything super exciting in these, but they DO show off his big ole belly and barrel chest!!

18 August 2009

Sebastian's stats

We just returned from his one month doctor's appointment, and it seems like a good time to post his statistics, thus far in his one month on "this side."

Born: 7:04pm on Sunday, July 19th (one day after his official due date - I believe this counts as "on time" by Mexican standards! hee, hee)

Length: 21 inches

Blood type: O negative (just like his daddy)

  • 8 lbs 11 oz at birth (the same as his big cousin Avery)
  • 8 lbs 3 oz at one-week check-up (this was his lowest weight, normal for a newborn to lose some the first week or so)
  • 9 lbs 7 oz at two-week check-up
  • and (drum roll please....) 10 pounds 13 ounces at his one-month appointment today! So he's FINALLY surpassed his mama's birth weight! Way to go, Frijolito!!

In his bouncy seat...

I should probably call it his vibrating seat, as that is its principal attraction. It has some music, too, but we don't use it. I put him in the seat to appease him only while I take a shower - I don't want the novelty to wear off by overuse! I bring it right into the bathroom with me, peeking at him regularly to make sure he's okay. He is very good and usually just spaces out while I enjoy a (much-needed) shower.

This morning when I got out, I noticed that all three of the hanging toys were wrapped up and over the top bar, so he couldn't reach them anymore. It was clear that HE had hit them hard enough to cause this, and I assumed he liked to play with them so I fixed them for him. But by the look on his face (see below), perhaps he just got pissed that they were hanging in his face!!

16 August 2009

Bath Time!

If you thought you noticed something different about Sebastian in that last video, it's true. He's losing his hair!! I was hoping he would avoid this stage of babyhood, but, alas, it was not to be. His beautiful locks are (quite rapidly) falling out, starting from the front. Where will it end?!?

Here are pictures from his first real bath at home. I tried giving him one a few weeks ago, but he was NOT into it. My parents tried it during their visit today, with great success.

Yes, Grams, nice placement of the froggie. Very tasteful!

Chillin' with his PawPaw after...

Shampoo video

Sebastian LOVES getting his hair shampooed, it totally relaxes him.

Here's a video of his Grams and Auntie Emma shampooing his hair in the kitchen sink.

(there's audio on this, but not worth hearing, mostly Alyssa in the background...)

05 August 2009

Videos taken Aug 4th...

It appears that posting videos works! So here are 2 more, taken last night. Again, he's not doing back flips in them or anything, but it lets you see what his "awake time" looks like.

Baby car seat = Mama's savior

Some of you regular blog readers (Grandma, Mom) might be wondering how it is that I am suddenly posting such a flurry of pictures and videos? The answer lies in the pictures below, my sweetie sweet Sebastian is sound asleep in his car seat/carrier thang, after a nice walk we took this morning. So I'm taking advantage of having 2 hands free to get caught up on things! (I should probably be sleeping while he's sleeping, but I'll save that for his afternoon nap!)

I also found that if I take the picture from the correct angle, he looks like he has Mickey Mouse ears. Or true Mielke ears, perhaps? : )

With his aunties

With his big cousin Averina

Experiment with videos...

These are super-short videos (around 30 seconds each) that I took using my cheap camera... So the quality leaves something to be desired, but for those of you far away, it gives you a further idea of his amazing cuteness! (not that I'm biased or anything...)

There are many very cute things that Sebastian does, but needless to say he doesn't do them on command! Yet.

So these video clips are mostly just him laying around while I bother him until he responds in some way... I hope you can watch them and enjoy them as much as I do!