18 August 2009

In his bouncy seat...

I should probably call it his vibrating seat, as that is its principal attraction. It has some music, too, but we don't use it. I put him in the seat to appease him only while I take a shower - I don't want the novelty to wear off by overuse! I bring it right into the bathroom with me, peeking at him regularly to make sure he's okay. He is very good and usually just spaces out while I enjoy a (much-needed) shower.

This morning when I got out, I noticed that all three of the hanging toys were wrapped up and over the top bar, so he couldn't reach them anymore. It was clear that HE had hit them hard enough to cause this, and I assumed he liked to play with them so I fixed them for him. But by the look on his face (see below), perhaps he just got pissed that they were hanging in his face!!


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