02 October 2009

Fiesta for Sebastian

Last night we attended a party put together by my friend Lourdez to welcome Sebastian to the world!

Here is the cake (there was also delicious flan and a traditional northern Mexican meat dish, both made by Lourdez):

The decor was decidedly Spongebob, which fascinated Sebastian (it must be those huge eyes!). Here the lovely Jennyfer showcases the table settings:

Lida (Jennyfer's mom) and Claudia:

Jennyfer again (she's certainly not shy in front of the camera!):

Claudia being a dork with various Spongebob gear, much to Jennyfer's delight:

And our fabulous hostess with the mostest, Lourdez, and the guest of honor:

Yes, Sebastian was the life of the party!


claire said...

That looks like it was a great party - not to mention the cake!!! Yum!

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