31 October 2008

Fun in the camioneta

Here are pictures from the back of the camioneta, the principal form of transportation to the beach towns. It's a pick-up truck with benches added in the back, covered by a tarp. There's usually a shelf to put bags and such above the cab of the truck, and little doorbells that you push to indicate when you want to get off. If the doorbells don't work, you just bang on the cab of the truck. : )

To get to the beach, I take a 3.5 hr van ride from Miahuatlán south to Pochutla, and then walk to the camioneta stand. The ride to the beach is about 45 minutes, and it's amazingly beautiful.

I realize that this is the first time some of my co-workers are making their debut on Erica's blog... Featured in these pictures are Margee, Allison and Matthew. Allison has the cool shades, Matthew's got the cool combover, and Margee's the star of the "bustily surprised" shot (sorry, Margee, it had to be said!!) : )


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