18 August 2009

Sebastian's stats

We just returned from his one month doctor's appointment, and it seems like a good time to post his statistics, thus far in his one month on "this side."

Born: 7:04pm on Sunday, July 19th (one day after his official due date - I believe this counts as "on time" by Mexican standards! hee, hee)

Length: 21 inches

Blood type: O negative (just like his daddy)

  • 8 lbs 11 oz at birth (the same as his big cousin Avery)
  • 8 lbs 3 oz at one-week check-up (this was his lowest weight, normal for a newborn to lose some the first week or so)
  • 9 lbs 7 oz at two-week check-up
  • and (drum roll please....) 10 pounds 13 ounces at his one-month appointment today! So he's FINALLY surpassed his mama's birth weight! Way to go, Frijolito!!


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