09 August 2008


Guelaguetza is a celebration of the different regions and customs of Oaxaca.  It's a very diverse state, with 17 (I think) distinct languages that are spoken, besides Spanish.  This festival is the biggest event in Oaxaca, and people come from all over to watch the performances.

Top foto shows me waiting in the crowds for the gate to open.  There were 2 sections that were free for those willing to get there very early and wait standing up for a long time...  We were those people!!  What the foto doesn't show is the creepy old lady who was using my love handles to support her full body weight (and her husband who was behind her pushing to try to get ahead in line)...  Or the guy who ended up right behind me (once I finally broke free of the little old lady, who ended up way ahead of us in line), and was definitely getting more enjoyment out of the situation than I was...  

But we made it in, and it was phenomenal!!  The auditorium is high up on a hill that overlooks the city, so it was an amazing view.  Part of the tradition is to throw out free gifts ("obsequios")  to the crowd, and many many hats were thrown out.  I resisted and resisted, but the truth is that it was REALLY sunny, and I was starting to fry.  So I gave in and wore a hat, the bottom foto  documents this historic moment.  Katharina (who I met in Great Barrington when she was studying at Simon's Rock) and her boyfriend Ruben are also in the foto.

The rest of the fotos show some of the dances...


info@do-or-die-decade.com said...

well thank you Erica for taking me along on your travels and yourmomma too for her continuing comments - the blog colors work for me and love yr new photo
i imagine the bouncer was both burley and surly
GB sometimes feels to me as if it is occupied territory and although I'll paying $4.47 a gallon for heating oil I find myself wishing for snow
my best

Erica said...

Hi Mickey! It's nice to know someone is reading my blog besides mymomma...

I must admit that not dealing with gas prices is a major selling point for my life in Oaxaca. And no matter how hot it gets, I will NOT wish for snow!! (but then again, the New Yorkers haven't made it here yet)

Have you adjusted to the coffee shop remodel job?? It's just not the same...

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