04 August 2008

Quick Question

Here´s a question for all of you loyal blog-readers... Are the colors on the blog okay? I have been using so many different computers to update my blog, and sometimes when I log in the colors hurt my eyes a bit, whereas other times they look really dark...

Any input you have would be great! I don´t want people´s eyes to be hurting when they´re reading my blog...



Anonymous said...

Colors look good to me, festive appearance without being too glaring....perhaps they hurt your eyes after a particularly "rough" night.

love you as always, mom

Erica said...

Dear "yourmomma": you really are my biggest fan!! (or maybe my only one : ) I think you might be right about the differing effects the blog colors have on my eyes. I didn't actually track my beverage consumption with Josie compared to eye consternation when online...

Anonymous said...

Love your Mom's comment :-)
The sunset is spectacular.
Chris W

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