And here are the newest ones, which are particularly exciting because you can see how well developed the baby is, even at just 8cm long... Pretty amazing...

I've finally joined the 21st century, and this is my blog. It seems to be the best way for me to stay connected with my family and friends, without plaguing e-mail inboxes with lengthy messages and photos that might be undesired. So here goes...
Que alegria y bendicion tan grande para tu vida. Ese nuevo bebe se volvera en el centro de tu vida y de los que te queremos. El o ella tendra muchisimos tios y tias para mimarle y estar pendientes. Aqui en Great Barrington estaremos al pendiente de todo cuando regreses y aun mas cuando ya el bebe este entre nosotros.
AH..No olvides colocarle un nombre muy pero muy muy Latino, aqui te van algunas ideas como :
si es bebito :
SI ES BEBITA : Ruby Stella, Adriana, Alejandra, Angela, Lorena,
Monserrat, Maria del Mar, Guadalupe, Tatiana, Maria Eugenia
Good morning!
How about Cisco for a boy (ignore the fact that dad used to have a dog named that)....short for francisco which means "free man" ...selfishly I would really like that name! , St Francis of Assissi (saint of animals) and of course francisco Goya, renegade artist....great shorted version of a good name.
Think about it and let me know when you decide that is the one.
Luv ya, mom
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