19 January 2009

Bun in the (proverbial) oven

I debated a much more subtle (or carefully worded or eloquent) title for this post, but I decided to just stick with the facts. I think most of you know by now that I am pregnant. :) I tried my hardest to tell as many people as possible face-to-face or live-voice, but dang it, I live in Mexico, so some of you are just going to find out the e-way. Sorry.

Last Friday I had my 2nd doctor's appointment (after much trial and tribulation, that story to come on my next blog post!) I am now at the beginning of my 15th week, and I'm feeling wonderful (thanks for asking). The baby is 8 cm long, and is expected to arrive between July 14th and July 18th (depending on what measurement is used). I'm very excited and happy (apart from a few bouts of hormone-induced mood swings, but don't worry, usually just the baby's daddy is the recipient of it all).

My plan is to come back to Massachusetts in early March, definitely by March 10th, when I have to be out of my apartment here! I'm looking for an apartment in Great Barrington, which is where I feel the most confident about flexible employment possibilities, and also where I know and trust the hospital. It's kind of cool to have my baby in the same hospital I was born in, so many years ago (sigh)...

The highlight of the appointment was definitely watching the wee one on the screen, apparently this doctor does an ultrasound as part of every appointment. It was so wonderful to see a human baby moving around (not just a tiny, immobile bean!!), it looked fully formed and beautiful! Definitely made it much more real now, easier to imagine this tiny creature joining me in the outside world one day...

I'm attaching 2 of the ultrasound pics that I received on Friday. I can't find a scanner anywhere, so I had to take a picture of the pics, and needless to say, the quality is less than optimal. But you get the point! And if I DO find a scanner that I can discreetly use, then I'll re-post better quality pics.

I have one other picture, but it's related to the whole "is it a boy or is it a girl" question... The doctor had a preliminary guess, and I know some people told me not to tell them. I'm going to give you 24 hours to respond if you don't want to know. Otherwise, tomorrow afternoon, the pic gets posted!


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