22 January 2009

Telling the boss...

I just officially told my boss that I won't be staying for the 2nd semester. It was a tricky conversation, because he and I have had issues communicating well in the past (to put it mildly)... But I wanted to tell him now so that he has plenty of time to hire someone to replace me. I also let him know the reason I'm leaving, so it's all out in the open and I can stop watching my words all the time. UNSIS is a very small and gossipy place, so while other people will soon know that I'm leaving, they will only know why if I choose to share it with them.

I decided that February 27th will be my last day working here, which gives me a few days after the final exams to finish my students' grades and get everything cleaned up. I still don't have my flight back to Massachusetts, but it will probably be somewhere between March 6th and 9th, so that I have plenty of time to pack up my things and say my goodbyes.

We're planning a party with/for our students on the night of my birthday (February 12th, FYI), at one of our favorite restaurants in town. We're going to reserve the upstairs section, and have food and drinks, good music... It will be a goodbye to our students at the end of the semester, as well as a goodbye from me to my students. I plan to tell them about my departure in early February, I don't want them to be too shocked.

And that's all I have from this side of the border. I should have some better copies of the ultrasound pics to post either today or on Monday. Ulises just got a scanner so he's going to scan them, and I'm sure these will be WAY easier to see than my fotos of fotos... :)


Jules said...

Hey i love the photos, thank you for posting!!!
He looks like a real baby now (or She)
Try and make it back by March 8th please so you can join my shower......
Kisses to you both-JVW

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