20 January 2009

Drum roll please...

So, here's the "incriminating" foto... Please remember that the doctor told me numerous times that she can't be certain until next month... But if she had to guess, she would say that it's a boy! This foto (again, sorry it's blurry like the others), shows the baby from the bottom, like it's laying on it's back with its legs up in the air... And so you can see its two legs on the sides, and there's a rather incriminating "protuberance" that appears to say "I'm a boy"... But it could actually be something else, the baby is super super small right now, so we won't know 100% until next month...


Sexy Lexi said...

Erica--Congratulations! A little bird (SPANKY) told me a little while ago, but I didn't know if you were making it public for the www (whole wide world) just yet.

I am very happy for you and I am looking forward to more updates on your journey towards motherhood. (That sounds so grown-up. CRAP, we are getting old!)

Sexy Lexi said...

Wait--we're you "Spanky"? I totally forget.

(Like I said, getting OLD.)

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