12 January 2009

One month from today...

That's right, it's just one month until my birthday. I feel that it's never too early to start reminding friends, family and students about the big day. Ah... February 12th...

I was so sure after my last blog that I would be able to stay more current, but last week was crazy on so many levels. Work issues, boy issues, problems sleeping, constant hunger and urination needs... Last week was a whirlwind of all of the above. This week promises to be much calmer; at least, I'm determined to make it so.

I went to Oaxaca this weekend, and had a marvelous time. I left Saturday morning, skipping breakfast (despite intense hunger) because I had to have some blood work done and I had to arrive fasting. I didn't understand all of the results, but from what I could interpret I am in good health. And my blood type is B positive.

I had lunch with Katharina, then went to the movies for the first time in Mexico, with a friend from the university (Hadya). We saw Australia, which I enjoyed, although I definitely found it quite a bit different than I expected. But the theater was amazing, it was the biggest theater I've ever watched a movie in (including in NYC and Chicago), with stadium seating that just engulfed the masses of people that were also there to watch the movie. It felt like there were no bad seats...

On Sunday I wandered around town, alternating between browsing bookstores and reading in the sun. Katharina's boyfriend Ruben cooked us lunch on Sunday afternoon, then I headed back to Miahuatlán. I got back in time to meet up with my güero co-workers for what we like to call "zocomida," AKA zócalo food (french fries "con todo," hamburguesas "con todo," and corn "elote" delicacies).

I guess that's it for now... Did I mention my birthday is coming up soon? :)


Anonymous said...

Okay, I know a woman who pushes the "birthday week" thing in an attempt to get special treatment for the whole week before her birthday....and then it extended into the week after as well...but a birthday month preview is just a bit much, if you ask me.

but hey I'm game.....let the celebration begin, happy birthday erica!

ps: i am b positive as well, what are the odds?

luv ya

Anonymous said...

Frankly, Australia wasn't great but it was worth the price of the ticket just to see Hugh Jackman pouring water over his chest in front of a campfire. I don't ask for much. Which reminds me...isn't MY birthday also coming up, on Feb, 2nd? I think it is!!

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