06 February 2009

Girls' Weekend - Bambu

We stayed at an amazingly luxurious place, called Bambu, in our own private bungalow (we decided that was the best word for it). We had seen it on previous trips to San Agustinillo, but it's a bit pricey for just 2 people (when you're earning pesos!!) We negotiated a good deal for the 4 of us, and totally enjoyed ourselves. The view was amazing, and we had 2 large beds with gauzy mosquito netting, along with a great bathroom and shower. It was open air, so you could always hear the ocean, and when we slid open the bamboo doors, we had a balcony with a huge hammock and rocking sun chairs, directly facing the ocean.

Here are some pics (once again, stolen from Katharina, so all rights reserved. Ha ha):


Minniti said...

I am trying to find information on this hotel on the web and I was led to your blog. i am having a difficult time, do you have a website address or telephone number for Bambu?
thanks so much

Erica said...

Minniti: Unfortunately, this hotel doesn't have a website yet, and no phone number that I'm aware of. When we were there, the owner asked us to write down our e-mail addresses so he could let us know when the website was up and running, but so far we haven't heard from him.

It seems like the only way is just to show up and hope there's an opening, which I know is difficult if you're coming from far away. But there are a few other really nice places at comparable prices on either side of Bambu (El Pelicano, Malex, Un Sueño), which are also difficult to contact online...

Good luck!

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