06 February 2009

Girls' Weekend - Casa Mágica

The first night we were in San Agustinillo, we followed signs to the "Casa Mágica" (Magic House), that Margee had walked to before (with the promise of pool tables!), but she'd never been inside. I was skeptical, mostly because I was tired (no surprise there) and I didn't like the look of the dark dirt road that we had to walk up to find the mysterious place... But we all went along, and after some uncertain moments of wondering if we were on a path to nowhere, we finally arrived.

It was a pretty interesting place, like a relaxed rec room with a bar. The "owner" was a really young Canadian guy, and the clientele was an interesting mix of French Canadians, Mexicans, and the 4 of us. Hockey was on the TV, while classic rock songs played on the satellite radio, and everyone spoke a mixture of French, Spanish and English. We were definitely the only non-regulars there, so we attracted a lot of attention, and made friends with all the guys quickly (there were 2 older women there, too). They started up a game of Texas Hold 'Em, which I almost joined but opted for pool instead. We had a great time, despite my inconsistent pool playing (my partner Ernesto didn't seem to mind!)... Margee and I joined the 2nd game of Texas Hold 'Em, and while we both ultimately lost the 50 pesos we paid to join, I did make it to the final 5 players (we started with 12 players at 2 different tables, then joined up at one table when each table was down to 3 players).

I managed to stay up pretty late (for a girl that's not drinking and sleeps all the time!), but around 1.30am I told Margee it was time to go. It was getting really smoky, and we both wanted to be out on the beach in the morning...