09 February 2009

Inconsistent Blogger...

So this weekend I was accused (perhaps correctly) of being an inconsistent blogger. Thanks, Mom. And I guess it's true. Sometimes I actually don't have time, especially because I am only on the internet when I'm in my office, and occasionally I am actually working. Or teaching classes. You know, earning my pay. But other times I just don't have anything that seems "blog-worthy" to say, no pictures or interesting stories...

Seeing as I have only a few more weeks left in Mexico, I will do my best to post updates more often, even if they're somewhat lacking in adventure and drama...

This past weekend I went to Oaxaca. I met up with a former student from Massachusetts, Humberto, who has moved back to his town just outside of Oaxaca, San Agustín Yatareni. He and his soon-to-be-wife picked me up and brought me to their town, where I met both of their families and had a delicious lunch. They're getting married next weekend, on Valentine's Day, and I'm very happy I'll be able to attend. They're expecting around 500 guests!!! Sounds like it's almost the entire town, as well as some friends and family from other areas. I will definitely take pictures.

I also went to the super-luxe movie theater with Margee, where we saw Revolutionary Road. It was an intense movie, disturbing at times, but luckily we had 2 big tubs of popcorn to get us through. One buttery and the other caramel, both nice and warm... It was a wonderful treat. I think movie places in the States should offer caramel popcorn, it was SOOO delicious.

On Sunday I met up with Katharina and her boyfriend Ruben, for some entomatadas verdes that she said "would change my life." And they were definitely good. And I will now consider ordering entomatadas over enchiladas, but only when salsa verde is possible... (if that counts as life-changing, so be it)

I've been having some lower back pain for the past 5 days or so, probably related to Frijolito's rapid growth... I've been doing some special stretches and back exercises, and I'm doing much better now. In the past 2 weeks I've noticed a big difference in my stomach, I'm definitely "showing" now, and I find most of my pants uncomfortable to sit in. (usually I have the top button and maybe a bit of the zipper undone when I'm sitting for a while, I've become a master at rapidly and hopefully secretively re-buttoning when I have to stand up again!) I'm trying to avoid buying any real maternity pants until I'm back in Massachusetts, I'm going to have a hard time fitting all my stuff as it is!

And besides that, nothing to report. Next week are final exams for all of my students, so this week I have to write the Level 1 Final Exam (I'm almost half-way done now) and also prepare my students for the final. That is, if they decide to come to class. Unfortunately, most of the students view this week before finals as optional, and so it's hard to review... We'll see how it goes...

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