26 February 2009

Cafeteria Beauties...

As I'm preparing to return to Massachusetts, I know I have to say goodbye to lots of people, and to Mexico in general. And I've been mentally preparing myself for the "big goodbyes," to my friends and co-workers, who I've gotten so close to over these months. (Luckily, I can postpone those super-sad goodbyes for another few days, at the going-away party we're having Tuesday night). Today is my last day at UNSIS, and I'm finding myself saying so many "peripheral" goodbyes, to people that I see every day, but I didn't really think about how difficult it would be to say goodbye to them. With all the moves I've done, you'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not.

One such group is the family that runs the cafeteria. They're an extremely nice couple, with 2 young daughters (who are almost always at work with them). Their youngest daughter, Madison, is 8 months old (I believe), and the mom says I have to come back to Miahuatlán with my son so they can meet. Allison is already trying to play matchmaker with them. :)

Chelsey didn't want me to interrupt her meal, and as she was eating her quesadilla she stretched the cheese way out... Her dad told me to take a foto of it, to show people what real Oaxacan cheese is like (called quesillo).

And fotos of the 2 girls (Madison and Chelsey) together: