17 February 2009

Doctor's appointment

Saturday was a busy day... Before going to Humberto's wedding, I had a doctor's appointment in Oaxaca city. It was my last one in Mexico, I already have an appointment with Dr. Craig Martin in Great Barrington for March 12th, a week after I get back to Massachusetts.

The most exciting thing about this appointment was finding out (for sure) the sex. As you might remember, at my appointment last month there was a rather incriminating foto that suggested my little frijolito is a boy, but that was at 14 weeks (quite early to determine the gender). My doctor told me that this appointment, with 18 weeks, we should be able to know for sure. And she was right, it was pretty clear that this is a boy! So, even though many seem to have been hoping for a girl (Emma said she'd even prefer a girl with a tail!), my wee one is a boy.

The ultrasound pics aren't as clear or as interesting as the last batch, but I will post them once I get them scanned. Other factoids of note... I am now up to 57.7 kg (127 pounds), which means I've gained 2.5 kg (less than 6 pounds) since my first appointment, when I was 8 weeks pregnant. So I haven't gained very much, but what I HAVE gained is very localized to my abdomen... I've noticed a definite and steady increase in my belly over the past 2 weeks, there is no doubt (to others or to me when I catch a glimpse of a pregnant lady in the mirror!) that I am truly, visibly, pregnant. :)


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