04 February 2009

Level 3 Exam Highlights...

Write three sentences about things you HAVE done:

I've studied for the test.
I've one TV.
I've five blue Jeans.
I've two chairs.
I have drunk soda in the party.
I have a husband.

Write two sentences about things you HAVE NEVER done:

I've never had sexy.
I've never travel in play.
I've never have a Jacket Mink.
I've never eaten culebra. (culebra=snake)
I'm have never a red book.
I have never eaten Iguana.


Katharina said...

Iguana is typical Istmenian fare so that's not so out of the blue..I will get photos up soon, no worries. Also, today one of my students set his shirt on fire. Beat that. (No joke. Flames ran up his shirt as he pulled it off and stamped on and we all looked on in shock, and then he, luckily all right, with nary a hole in the sweater, sheepishly says, "I wanted to burn a string" and holds up his lighter). See you this weekend!

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