20 February 2009

My student fan club

Ah, it's nice to have student fans... :) These students have been coming to visit me all week, even though their final is long over... 2 of them are my students, 2 of them are Allison's students (but from the same major, Public Administration, so they're really part of the same crew)...

In this picture (from left to right):

Remigio - Allison's student who is desperately in love with her (humorous to all except for Allison); Maria de Lourdes - one of my students, she is very very funny, and a favorite with all Centro de Idiomas staff; Jairo (pronounced HI-row) - my student who has suggested that I marry him and stay here forever ("all of Miahuatlán could be yours..."). I think the poor guy truly thinks there's a chance for us (despite that I'm pregnant with another man's child, moving back to the US, and he's only 18 years old). Poor boy... (Grandma: he is the one I'm dancing with in the pictures from my party, so I thought your e-mail comment about him was particularly funny AND appropriate!) :)

In this picture: Remigio, Jairo, Yours Truly, Maria de Lourdes, and Eder. Eder is a very sweet, innocent-looking boy, I think the other boys are corrupting him, slowly but surely... Right before we took this picture, Jairo reminded me how important it is for me to not drink (I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since early November), telling me if I drink my baby would come out like Eder... It was cruel, but funny... (and just for the record, this shirt makes me look much more pregnant than I really am. I'm definitely showing, but not quite THAT much, it's just how the shirt hangs...)


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